Welcome to St. Rose! We hope that you find our parish to be a place where you feel like you belong. There are a number of accommodations available which may help you access our building and enjoy Mass to the fullest:
Handicapped parking is available at all our buildings. Automatic doors are located at the lower level, and at the main sanctuary entrance with elevator access. A ramp is located in the middle of the Gathering Space which accesses the Woodlands, Lewis and Byron Rooms, where receptions, hospitality and classes are held.
The main sanctuary, Woodlands Room and Chapel are outfitted with an FM Loop System for those in need of amplification. Receivers and headsets (we reccomend using a personal set) for this are located in the rear of each location. If an ASL Interpreter is needed for Mass or a special occasion, please give us 2 weeks notice by contacting the Office of Social Concerns listed below.
If you are in need of large print worship guides, brail readings, or gluten free hosts, please contact the Office of Social Concerns.
Please send us an email if you have any other accommodations that we can assist with. We appriciate and need your feedback!!
Contact Us
Sherry Moitoza
Director of Social Concerns & Adaptive Religious Education