Phone 301-948-7545
Outreach or "Charitable work" is meeting and aiding individual basic needs. "Christian charity is first of all the simple response to immediate needs and specific situations; feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for and healing the sick, visit those in prison, etc." Pope Benedict XVI Deus Caritas Est, no 3.
Service to one another is the foundation of our faith. St. Rose has many opportunities for you to help meet the individual basic needs of people here in our own parish as well as our community.
Volunteers are always needed to assist with collections, serve on-site, and donate items for our many collections.
Lent - Catholic Charities Share the Hope Food Collection
Spring - MCCH Welcome Home Kit Collection
Year-round - Food Collections on Second Sunday of each Month
Summer - Community Based Shelters Meals Week
Fall - MCCH Welcome Home Kit Collection
Advent - Holiday Giving Tree